Thursday Movie Picks #33: Movies with Devastating Crushing Endings that Makes You Want to Weep

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It’s Thursday Movie Pick hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves again, and obviously, this week’s theme kinda make me feel hard on myself.

The quest is: Movies with Devastating Crushing Endings that Makes You Want to Weep. That’s definitely a tough job for me because I don’t usually weep for movies (or anything). However, there are some movies that ‘almost’ made me cry. Okay, almost.

So, here’s my picks for movies whose endings knocked on the door of my weep. SPOILER ALERT! We are talking about ending; read on your own risk.

01. 5 Centimeters per Second (2007)

Being on my ‘weeping’ list twice a week, this Japanese animation feature really got my nerve. It might not have been like Ghibli’s and, certainly, it’s more romance-driven. Yet, an end to a distant love and unexpressed feelings is almost always devastating. HERE’S WHERE THE SPOILER BEGINS. When both POV characters separately realized that their love is unquenchable—along with that heartwrenching song (and the lyrics)—that’s the most difficult part to watch; especially the train scene.

02. Million Dollar Baby (2004)

Not only does Clint Eastwood deliver a supreme performance as a director and actor, he turns Hillary Swank into delivering her lifetime performance. However, this movie cheated on all of us. With a strong build-up, this sport drama might seem inspiring and explosive, although the plot is rather generic. UNTIL THAT MOMENT HAPPENED. Since then, Million Dollar Baby slowly deteriorates into a tear-jerking drama that hit the unprepared audience with a heartbreaking sucker-punch.

03. The Mist (2007)

On top of all, Frank Darabont’s The Mist is the most devastating. After everything else with monsters and lethal creatures, Thomas Jane’s character decided to do a desperate attempt—realizing that this movie demands no survivor. Normal people start to weep on that; yet, the worst is not yet coming and his final line, “They die. For what?” makes me swallow my pride. Seriously, if there’s a movie cruel enough to play someone’s feeling, The Mist is among the tops.


So, what’s your comment and what’s your picks?

23 responses

  1. The Mist is here again and it is one film I don’t think I will want to see because of the ending. I have not seen the Japanese film but have seenMillion Dollar baby and it is a sad ending that I did not expect at all

    1. The Mist and Million Dollar Baby have similarities: the unexpected ending. Only how the come up with the ending is different.

    2. Oh Birgit I hope the ending of The Mist haven’t been spoiled. The ending is depressing but the movie as whole is just really good. Far exceeds the premise of mysterious monsters suddenly appearing.

  2. I’ve only seen Million Dollar Baby from your picks, that ending is devastating even though I didn’t care much for the film overall. I’ve heard of The Mist but never anything about your first. I didn’t delve to deeply into you synopsis since you discuss the ends but I’ll check them out on IMDB to get a better feeling of their stories.

    1. Sorry for the spoiler, I can’t find a way how to express how they’re sentimental.

  3. I almost pick 5 cm per second again. But I decided not to because I want to try giving more variation.

    1. I stick to one choice 🙂

  4. Brittani Avatar

    I haven’t seen the first pick, but I also chose The Mist. Million Dollar Baby does have a devastating ending, but I got it spoiled for me right before I got in the theater so I didn’t get the emotional punch everyone else did.

    1. The Mist is quite popular today 🙂 Million Dollar Baby is “cheating” and that’s where the movie gets very big. Therefore, reviewing it without spoiler is almost impossible

  5. I need to rewatch The Mist. It’s all over the place today, but it didnt affect me that way. Love Million Dollar Baby. Never heard of 5 Centimeters Per Second before today. I want to check that out.

    1. Yeah, The Mist is so popular today 🙂 glad you loved Million Dollar Baby and listed my other movie

  6. Oh yeah, Million Dollar Baby! I seriously considered that one. Even just with the still that you posted, 5 Centimeters per Second has just been moved to the top of my Must-Watch List.

    1. Glad you loved that pick! Well, I seriously recommend that one, Matt 🙂

  7. EverSoEthnicallyConfused Avatar

    The Mist is a popular choice for this. I’ve known about the end to Million Dollar Baby and for that I can’t bring myself to watch it. I am intrigued by 5 cm per second though.

    1. True that! I saw it everywhere 🙂 I think even if you watch it, that wouldn’t spoil anything (that hard) and 5 Cm per Second is amazing (at least for me)

  8. I really can’t stand the ending of The Mist, that was simply devastating.

  9. The Mist was all over the place this week!

  10. yeah, The Mist is so fucked up, have you seen Eden Lake ? The ending is fucked up too…

    1. Haven’t seen Eden Lake. Will take it into watch-list 🙂

  11. I need to see The Mist. Love Tom Jane. Million Dollar Baby is so sad. Loved it! Cried like a baby. I haven’t heard of the other pick, but it sounds great.

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