This is my first participation in the Blind Spot Series.
Along 2014, fellow movie bloggers were buzzing about The Blind Spot Series—which was very interesting for me since most of them, like, travel back in time to find movies they probably missed or movies that had been long settled in their to-watchlists. Surprisingly, some of them had been doing this for years and count; and their choices were getting more and more interesting every time I watched it.
Then, the other day I visited Ryan McNeill‘s The Matinee, the host of this Blind Spot series. The idea is: picking 12 movies to watch—one movie each month in the forthcoming year—with a sense of purpose.
So, for 2015 (my first participation), I dedicate my Blind Spot series as a homage to 12 living directors I admire most.
I choose 12 earlier movies from 12 different directors whose recent works I do admire. Those directors, currently, make great movies, but there were movies from their early career—that got ’em their cult status—that I probably missed (due to so many restrictions). Therefore, I need to see those earlier works to give a new perspective for me to admire their recent works.
Let’s see what I can do in 2015, but, hopefully, I can watch them all! This is a very emotional turnover in my blog, so if it sounds cheesy or things, I do apologize!
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