After a few months in hiatus, Thursday Movie Picks series finally returns to Sinekdoks along with the latest episode—an ultimate picks for July. This weekly series hosted by Wandering through the Shelves Blog comes with an All in the Family Edition, specifically Twins.
In case you want to partake in this groundbreaking series, visit TMP’s main page here.
Anyhow, twins in movies are quite tricky. Sometimes, it takes real-life twins to get things done; but, often the story has to adapt to accommodate some actors to create realistic non-identical twins, or CGI might help if necessary. So, below is my favorite (annoying) twins from movies.
(Beware! This post might contain spoilers!)
01. The Winklevoss Twins – The Social Network (2010)
The Winklevoss Twins are, possibly, as important as Jesse Eisenberg’s Zuckerberg or Andrew Garfield’s Saverin in the making of the titular social network. They’re annoyingly awesome—starting up by exploiting Zuckerberg and finishing it by trying to sue him; although, both attempts seemingly failed to contain Zuckerberg. The twins are portrayed by Armie Hammer as Cameron and Josh Pence as Tyler, even though both characters get Hammer’s face—thanks to the advancing CGI technology, which I have mentioned previously.
02. The Romanoff Twins – Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014); Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
While gaining their world-wide attention after debuting in Age of Ultron, the Romanoff Twins—Pietro (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen)—had actually stolen the post-credit scene of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Their first appearance was indeed full of controversies: about their X-Men origins even about how people called them ‘miracles’ instead of mutants. As a pair of opponents in the beginning of the second Avengers, they’re quite worthy; but as allies, they kicked a little less worthy. Therefore they’re annoyingly amazing.
03. The Borden Twins – The Prestige (2006)
Perhaps, the Borden Twins are the most annoying twins in cinema history. Borden (Christian Bale) alone already causes resentment to those who sides with Angier in this twisting clash of magician; two Bordens are disaster. The revelation of the truth about the Borden Twins is the ultimate twist that cheated the audience for the whole time; and that’s the moment where the movie gets very exciting—thanks to Nolan Bros (unfortunately, not Nolan Twins)
In the end, I finally present my picks. Tell me what you think about that. Hit the comment button below.
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