The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 (2015)

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Review: Following (another) closeup shot cliffhanger, Mockingjay Part 2 immediately gets into the middle of the war ignited in Part 1. The alliance led by President Alma Coin (Julliane Moore) is prepared to start a blitzkrieg to Capitol. Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) is still the same Mockingjay—alliance’s pseudo-leader and a property of propaganda. Meanwhile, the brainwashed Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) and others has returned to District 13 differently—bring along newly infused tantrum and paranoia. That alone is a solid reason for Katniss to put her rage to President Snow (Donald Sutherland) in a climactic triumph.

For whatever it is, Mockingjay Part 2 still makes a decent conclusion to The Hunger Games series, although it gives a proof that splitting a series finale into two movies isn’t that effective anymore, unless in terms of commercial. After its first part clears the path in an overwhelmed transition, Part 2 shifts the focus to the war to come. With 2 hours duration, though, Part 2 feels constantly flat as its draggy plot lacks of tension. 

The most suffering part of Mockingjay Part 2 is the first 20 minutes, where the plot starts to shift from propaganda to the war. If you survive this afflicted minutes, the payoffs are worth it for temporary.

There’s no warm welcome to a series of breathtaking action in a combat zone which Finnick (Sam Claflin) called as “The 76th Hunger Games.” The best part of it is Capitol’s new weapons, adaptive booby traps called ‘pods’ in every corner of Capitol, making you guess the head or tails of what threats will suddenly appear.

I criticized the lack of The Hunger Games typical ferocious action in Mockingjay Part 1, then Part 2 simply answers that with a very brutal way—including bold deaths of some characters, like you have never seen in any YA novel adaptations. Nonetheless, all those tensions combined still cannot top Catching Fire.

Same as Part 1, Part 2 also suffers from the similar repetitive storytelling (some preface to big actions, those annoying BLACK OUT, then some explanation telling Katniss that she just missed a big events). All the focus to Katniss and limitations to her point of view also present handicaps to viewers, as I am also restricted to what Katniss see, meanwhile I expect to see more of the wars.

Despite of all the war detriment and casualties—including the personal one, Mockingjay surprisingly cannot reveal some proper climax to “honor the departed.” In addition, the whole setup seems like neglecting Gale Hawthorne (Liam Hemsworth) as an angle of the acclaimed “love triangle” which, seemingly, becomes an important part of the narrative.

Some re-appearance of recurring characters and new ones are either hit or miss. Some former victors are hits—especially, Finnick and Johanna (Jena Malone); but Katniss’ family, even Primrose (Willow Shields) is total miss. Those behind-the-scene characters, Haymitch (Woody Harrelson), Plutarch (Philipp Seymour Hoffman?), and Effie (Elizabeth Banks) can be some hits when given more impacts to the story. One thing for sure, don’t bother talking about Gwendoline Christie; she’s just a cameo.

After all, Mockingjay Part 2 is still a good finale, although it doesn’t quite live up the madness of the first installment. I personally love Catching Fire as the best installment, then The Hunger Games; Mockingjay Part 2 is only slightly  better than Mockingjay Part 1.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 (2015)

Action, Adaptation, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Young Adult Directed by: Francis Lawrence Written by: Peter Craig, Danny Strong based on a novel by Suzanne Collins Starred by: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam HemsworthWoody HarrelsonDonald SutherlandPhilip Seymour HoffmanJulianne Moore Runtime: 137 mins Rated PG-13


Melanjutkan cliffhanger di akhir Part 1, Mockingjay Part 2 langsung menuju tengah-tengah medan perang yang telah disulut di bagian pertamanya. Pasukan aliansi yang dipimpin oleh Presiden Alma Coin (Julliane Moore) tengah bersiap menggempur Capitol habis-habisan. Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) masih menjadi sang mockingjay—pemimpin pseudo sekaligus properti propaganda pihak aliansi. Sementara itu, Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) dan yang lainnya telah dibawa pulang ke District 13 tetapi sebagai pribadi yang berbeda—dipenuhi tantrum dan paranoia pasca pencucian otak di Capitol. Itu saja sudah cukup bagi Katniss untuk menumpahkan kemurkaannya kepada Presiden Snow (Donald Sutherland) once and for all.

Bagaimanapun juga, Mockingjay Part 2 tetap mampu menampilkan conclusion yang “cukup” untuk keseluruhan saga The Hunger Games, walaupun di saat yang bersamaan juga membuktikan bahwa keputusan membagi buku terakhirnya menjadi 2 bagian sangat tidak efektif, kecuali untuk urusan komersial. Setelah bagian pertamanya meratakan jalan dengan transisi yang kedodoran, Part 2 mencoba menawarkan peperangan sebagai sajian utamanya. Namun, 2 jam durasinya tetap terasa datar karena plotnya yang draggy tak memiliki tensi yang konstan.

Yang paling mengecewakan adalah 20 menit pertamanya yang terasa sangat lambat dan agak basa-basi karena masih berusaha shift dari “berpropaganda” menjadi “berperang”. Jika mampu bertahan dari menit-menit ini, payoff-nya memang menjanjikan, namun tak bertahan lama.

Tak ada sambutan hangat saat memasuki rentetan aksi menegangkan di tengah medan perang yang Finnick (Sam Claflin) sebut sebagai “The 76th Hunger Games.” Bagian terbaiknya adalah senjata baru Capitol, yaitu booby traps misterius yang dinamai ‘pods’, yang sukses menghadirkan thrill dan keseruan menebak-nebak ancaman apa yang akan dihadirkan.

Kritik saya untuk Mockingjay Part 1 adalah kurangnya action sequences ber-DNA The Hunger Games di dalamnya. Part 2, secara tidak langsung, menjawab kritikan tersebut dengan brutal, sampai-sampai menjadikan beberapa karakter “kesayangan” sebagai korban—satu hal yang jarang ditemui di franchise YA lainnya (namun sering ditemui di CV sang sutradara, Francis Lawrence). Meskipun begitu, seluruh ketegangan dalam Mockingjay Part 2 tak mampu menyamai Catching Fire.

Sama seperti Part 1, Part 2 menderita penyakit repetitif yang mirip. Kali ini sequence-nya: pendahuluan untuk big time action, BLACK OUT yang menyebalkan, lalu penjelasan bahwa Katniss baru saja melewatkan momen yang besar. Deja vu, bukan? Fokusnya yang terlalu ke Katniss juga memberi batasan POV di episode ini. Yang dapat dilihat penonton hanyalah perspektif Katniss saja, sementara ekspektasinya pasti ingin melihat “peperangan” ini secara holistik.

Jujur saja, Mockingjay Part 2 cukup berani menampilkan kerugian perang begitu pula korbannya; namun begitu, film ini ternyata tak berhasil menampilkan klimaks yang proper, at least untuk “menghormati korban-korbannya”. Di sisi lain, Mockingjay Part 2 juga seolah menyingkirkan Gale (Liam Hemsworth) dalam cinta segitiga yang pernah digadang-gadang sebagai bumbu yang kuat dalam narasinya.

Kembalinya beberapa karakter lama dan kemunculan karakter baru nampaknya hit or miss. Para victors berhasil menjadi hits—terutama Finnick dan Johanna (Jena Malone); namun orang-orang terdekat Katniss, bahkan Primrose (Willow Shields) malah menjadi total miss. Beberapa karakter behind the scene seperti Haymitch (Woody Harrelson), Plutarch (Alm. Philipp Seymour Hoffman), dan Effie (Elizabeth Banks) bisa saja menjadi hits andai screen time mereka cukup memberi impact. Yang jelas, tak perlu repot-repot mencari Gwendoline Christie karena kemunculannya hanya bagaikan cameo saja.

Pada akhirnya, Mockingjay Part 2 memang mampu menutup saga The Hunger Games dengan dingin meskipun tak mampu memenuhi ekspektasi yang berkembang sejak seri pertamanya. Catching Fire masih tetap menjadi installment yang paling kuat disusul oleh The Hunger Games yang pertama; Mockingjay Part 2 hanya lebih baik dibandingkan Part 1 yang nyaris mubadzir.


The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 movie review is written by Paskalis Damar. Review film The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 ini diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Paskalis Damar.

8 responses

  1. Catching Fire will always bee my favorite too. The Mockingjay movies were very disappointing, but I almost want to say Part 2 was even more so because I expected Part 1 to suck. Part 2 I had high hopes for, and it didn’t live up.

    1. That makes two of us! I can see your point, you had high hopes on the second part, but it doesn’t really hit the right spot, right? For me, the second part is slightly better than the first since it has more The Hunger Games DNA on the pitch.

  2. Great review. I don’t necessarily want to see this, but I feel obligated to see the final installment. I just think it’s stupid that they broke this movie into two…

    1. Not that they’re stupid, I think they’re just obsessed with the commercial boom possibilities. Moreover, J-Law is truly everyone’s darling when coming as Katniss. Yet, I encourage you to watch this finale, ’cause I bet it will be very divisive.

  3. I don’t watch these, but I’m still annoyed by them and can’t wait til they’re just done.

    1. They’re just finally done, Jay 🙂

  4. […] 1 loses too many angle, although it successfully serves as a transitional panel to a more badass finale in Mockingjay 2. Almost no twists, turns, or intrigues in this chapter, following the great revelation in the […]

  5. […] Katniss di akhir film ini di dua bagian Mockingjay—Part 1 (2014) dan Part 2 (2015) yang konfliknya sudah ditata di instalasi […]

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